Saturday, July 5, 2008

Suicide, a Crime or Freedom?

Picture this: A man/woman, decides out of free will, that his/her life is not worth living any more, that there is nothing to look up to when they wake up in the morning. There is no drive, no reason to continue in what they believe to be unceasing misery.

Worst of all, if they do fail in what could be their greatest triumph, as they see it, then apart from facing the brunt of humiliation and utter dysphoria in being unable to achieve even death, they have to face the long arm of the law. The Law does not give them the right to end their own life?

Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code says that, any person attempting to end his/her life will be chastised by the law.

Is it fair that if a human being out of free will, decides to end his/her life, if fails, should be punished by the law? Is law suggesting that if you want to end your life, make certain of your intent and capability at doing so, because if you fail, we will punish you!

Shouldn’t they be counselled instead of being punished, or in an even more liberal sense, do we even have the right to curtail a person’s actions, however harmful, on himself/herself?

Is Suicide a Crime or Freedom????

Anthony Palathingal

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