Saturday, July 26, 2008

Omar! A speech, he himself will never forget...

Ok, before you read the full text of the speech given by Omar Abdullah (pasted below), you need to follow certain instructions in order to be able to read the Hindi text, which is the 3rd part of the speech and arguably the more passionate part.

The Fonts (files) to be downloaded and the instructions for the same are in the link pasted here. It is a very easy installation process and files are very small, so won't take up your time... After you have done that, close the browser and open the link again, but remember to do so only in Internet Explorer. It will not work in any other browser.

I urge you'll to please make time (only a couple of minutes, for downloading the fonts) to read this.

It might be argued that Farooq Abdullah has had a major role in destroying Kashmir and its Integrity, all for the glorification of his self. It also might be argued that his son Omar Abdullah has followed similar methods of working as the leader of The Jammu & Kashmir National Conference (J&K NC). But, what cannot be argued is the passion Omar showed in the speech he gave during the Trust vote in the Lok Sabha...

SHRI OMAR ABDULLAH (SRINAGAR): "Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I think that it is a matter of great misfortune for Parties like mine.… (Interruptions) I do not know whether the Rs. 1 crore that was shown here is genuine or not. But I think that it is extremely unfortunate that if nothing else, this Rs. 1 crore is seeking to buy the silence of Parties like mine who are not being given an opportunity to speak in a correct manner in this House.… (Interruptions) I have been a Member of this House for 10 years, and I have never disturbed this House in these 10 years. I have sat with them and I have sat on this side, and I have never disrupted a speaker and yet here they do not have the courtesy to listen to what I have to say.… (Interruptions) I am a Muslim, and I am an Indian. I see no distinction between the two.…

(Interruptions) I see no reason why I, as a Muslim, have to fear a deal between India and the United States of America (USA).… (Interruptions) This is a deal between two countries. It is a deal between, we hope, two countries that in the future will be two equals.… (Interruptions)

Sir, the enemies of Indian Muslims are not the Americans, and the enemies of the Indian Muslims are not 'deals' like this. The enemies of Indian Muslims are the same enemies that all the poor people of India face, namely, poverty and hunger, unemployment, lack of development and the absence of a voice. It is that we are against, namely, the effort being made to crush our voice.… ( Interruptions)

I am not a Member of the UPA, and I do not aspire the Membership of the UPA. But I am extremely unhappy with the way in which my friends in the Left have taken on this self-imposed position of being the certifiers of who is secular and who is not.… (Interruptions) Until a few years ago, I was a part of the NDA and I was a Minister with them. The same Left people considered me as a political untouchable, and they considered me an outcaste because I was a part of the NDA. Today, the same Left people are telling me that all secular Parties must unite with the BJP to bring down this Government.… (Interruptions) I made a mistake of standing with them once. I did not resign on the question of Gujarat when my conscience told me to do so, and my conscience has still not forgiven me. I need not make the same mistake again.… (Interruptions)

आप लोग अमरनाथ की बात करते हो, आपने अमरनाथ का आरोप लगाया,...(व्यवधान) आप एक जगह दिखाइए, जहां पर किसी कश्मीरी ने यात्रा के खिलाफ बात की हो, जहां किसी कश्मीरी ने कहा हो कि हमें यात्री नहीं चाहिए, जहां यात्रियों के ऊपर हमला हुआ हो।...(व्यवधान)

हमारी जमीन का मुद्दा था, हम अपनी जमीन के लिए लड़े और मरते दम तक अपनी जमीन के लिए लड़ेंगे, लेकिन हम आपकी तरह फिरकापरस्त नहीं हैं।...(व्यवधान) हम आपकी तरह कम्युनल नहीं हैं। हम मस्ज़िद नहीं गिराते और मंदिर भी नहीं गिराते। ...(व्यवधान) वहां एक सौ साल से ज्यादा अमरनाथ की यात्रा चलती आ रही है और जब तक कश्मीर में मुसलमान हैं, श्रीनगर और अमरनाथ में आपकी यात्रा चलती रहेगी। ...( व्यवधान)

अध्यक्ष महोदय, मैं यह बात दावे के साथ कहना चाहता हूं कि इन लोगों की तरह मेरी सियासत बदलती नहीं है, आज इस तरफ और कल उस तरफ। ...(व्यवधान) हमने सेक्यूलर फोर्सेस के साथ हाथ मिलाया है और मिलाते रहेंगे। The Jammu & Kashmir National Conference (J&K NC) will vote to support the Motion moved by the Prime Minister. Thank you."

(The above text has been taken from the Lok Sabha website at

If this speech has not evoked a sense of hope, that we will fight and we will be free from all that is communal and non-secular, even if it is felt momentarily, then what will?

Anthony Palathingal

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