Friday, July 11, 2008

An Ordinary life!

We all dream about better things in life, but I dream of a better day every morning, only to feel disheartened at the end of it. I find myself defeated and stymied by my life these days. It almost feels like I have exhausted all the best times, at School, College and Uni. There is nothing left that even parallels to what I’ve been through and things I’ve done. Life becomes more complicated as you grow in age, and you begin to experience life in it’s true vicious savagery, unlike the candy-coated youth.

Friends, relatives, people I know, and even some I may have met only for the first time, tell me with great cerebral wisdom that I’m too young to be so pensive and introspect, for life is bountiful and has to offer a lot more than I think I’ve experienced.

Some others, would talk to me about the sufferings around the world, and how my self-doubt does not even remotely count as grief.

But does my life have anything left to give me?! Have I grown too quickly and experienced too much already?! I see people around me more hopeful, more joyful, more content, feelings that I seem to have lost along the way…

I feel I am unable to even laugh without being circumspect and that the innocence of that particular emotion has eluded me long ago.

I wish I could transform this life of mine which is no longer eventful, into something beautiful, something spectacular, something magnanimous, and yet I know that I need to make this life at least worth living. For now though, I’ll have to be content with, An Ordinary life!

Anthony Palathingal


Sparky_frank said...

Quite a interesting thought, I used to (and still do) feel that is my life so ordinary? are all my dreams just that - dreams?
However I have come to realize that we must be the change we want to see in the world around us. Dont fret on finding too much meaning into things cos then you miss the wood for the trees.

Shades of Grey said...

True courage lies in getting up when you've fallen down. Trusting like you've never been deceived before. The pessimism comes from not taking that risk again, from believing that no pure intention exists in the world. Go back to your roots and find the things that once made you happy. That might be the key to a life NOT ordinary.