Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bullish about this Poll?

We have turned the clock on 2004 and it’s Election time once again. They call it the ‘most important election’ this great Democracy has faced in aeons. Terrorism, Fundamentalism, Corruption, Immorality, Moral policing are just a miniscule part of the problems we face today.

With about 300 million youth, more questions are being asked about the way this country has been mis-governed for so long. An angry lot we are, with the crises that befalls us everyday. We have realized that in a democratic society the only way we can exercise our most benevolent right (it’s our moral duty actually) is to VOTE and do so for the right candidate.

The eternal question is this: How do we change a system so inherently corrupt with a single vote to any one of the zillion candidates who most likely may all be corrupt? Well, I honestly don’t have an answer to that cuz I’m a pragmatic. I vote for the ones who say they can provide future generations and me a safe and healthy country to live in. A country where there are no inequalities, biases or injustices based on the caste, creed or sex of an individual. A country where there is complete liberty and freedom of choice as given to us by our great constitution.


As Poll fever has hit Mumbai this day on 30th April, 2009 there’s a sense of grief, about what happened at CST and other places across the country, and a sense of grave responsibility as to the realization that our choices could determine how we live the next 5 years of our lives in this great country. In fear of fundamentalists from inside and terrorists from outside or in a sense of true independence?

JAI HIND!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I have already failed my country. Did not check the Electoral rolls in advance. But those who have done so responsibly, VOTE for the RIGHT PERSON!!

P.P.S. Turns out, my name WAS there in the Electoral roll... I did get to VOTE.... Just went ahead and performed my Moral Obligation.... :) !

Anthony Palathingal

Friday, November 28, 2008

Shadow on the sun…..

I took the liberty of using the rock group Audioslave’s track for the title of this article. Honestly, I could not think of a more fitting title for the unfortunate hostage crisis in South Bombay (Sorry Mr. Raj Thackeray, sorry Mr. Bal Thackeray, I know I didn’t use ‘Mumbai’, but I just don’t give a F***). Even as I am typing this article, rescue operations are still on, with our NSG commandos, part of an elite force to deal with such untoward events, risking their lives in painstakingly trying to capture the militants Dead/Live and free the hostages. We salute them and the army personnel deployed in the area.

My city Bombay, where of my 23 years on this blessed planet, 19 years have been spent in this fast paced, metropolitan, replete with slums and corrupt officials, tiring, never asleep city, I love so much.. How do we face such disaster time and again?? In the words of my friend, ‘Why this city? Why my city?’ But, I ask over here, ‘Why this country? Why any country?’ When has anyone heard militancy and violence resolving the problems of the people of any sect!!

Hindsight deliberations, rumours, cooked-up tales will last for another 2 weeks at least. But, as we live in a country where more than anyone the politicians know, that public memory is short-lived. The Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had come out yesterday with a ‘very strongly worded’ address to the nation condemning the actions of the militants and the usual rant of, ‘We will put forth a stronger law, won’t leave any loopholes, constitute a Federal investigating agency, improve intelligence services, develop a crises infrastructure (The last one I thought was funny.. We don’t even have a decent ‘regular’ infrastructure.) All, he had talked about after the series of blasts beginning with Jaipur, Hyderabad, Bangalore. Nothing has changed since then, we still don’t have tougher laws (Ok, I understand the reluctance over there, thanks to the way the previous central government misused it), still not even the slightest signs of movement towards constituting any agency, still reeking under poor intelligence (I wonder if we can still call it ‘Intelligence’). The Congress party has time and again failed this nation while the BJP resists to show any remorse seeing only an opportunity to regain power, and the never-ending saga of continual bickering goes on..

They say ‘Choice is the most salient feature of Democracy.’ So here are our ‘choices’, a party which is inactive on combating terror (read, Congress and allies) or a party which is over-active on combating terror from the outside while allowing terror within (read, BJP and allies). In the state elections we have a 3rd choice in a party who defines terror based on the faith of a person and not by the bomb in his/her hand (read ShivSena, who has actually called for a State Bandh on 1st December in protest of the alleged ‘torture’ of the Sadhvi involved in the Malegaon blasts.) Since day before's disheartening images, I’ve been getting this constant feeling of how the military should take over and disband all parties, so we may live with no fear and free of sick politicians. But then I get this chill down the spine thinking about the apathy of people living under Military rule (read, Burmese Junta).

I wonder if there is a common ground between Military rule and Freedom of speech, movement, press, judiciary. I guess I’m asking for too much in life these days. Until we don’t find that sacred ground of hope, I will continue to hold my head high in the city I love so much… ‘Bombay meri Jaan’…………

Anthony Palathingal

Friday, August 15, 2008

I-day message

Moving forward! I realise that we live in an age where there’s a lot of ‘Optimism’ particularly as a dominant force, about India, not just within the confines of The World’s biggest ‘Democracy’, but even in the Western world. I also realise that there’s copious amounts of negative energy among the commoners in this great nation, with the way this Democracy is being mutilated by the Political community. The system has been so perverted by those in power that even the Supreme Court, our last symbol of truism, had to state that, “Even God cannot save this country!” Sixty one years of pretence-Independence and yet I have this undiluted feeling that we actually are moving forward. Right from Raj Thackeray’s Marathi Manoos antics to BJP’s, almost fascist-hindutva agenda to Congress’ alleged immorality, the nation is stricken with non-secular, immoral, regionists. When these men and women masquerade as beacons of hope come election time, there’s an obvious helplessness that people suffer in choosing their representatives. I think the word ‘Representative’ in itself over the years has become a misnomer.
The Indian Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Sports Authority of India (SAI) for example are the biggest shams in this nation. Neither, providing even basic facilities to our many thousands and potentially millions of sportspersons. When KPS Gill was finally ousted and the Indian Hockey Federation disbanded, by the IOC President Suresh Kalmadi, it was hailed as a great step to rejuvenating our National sport. But, as Gill departed, what was forgotten was that Suresh Kalmadi, at the helm of the Olympic Committee for almost an eternity, has done no more than what Gill has in hockey. Both have lacked true commitment and almost seem uninterested in the way sports is developed in India, or in their case, are very committed to keep sports underdeveloped. The biggest positive among millions of negatives is how India is slowly but steadily turning into a Corporate giant. Involvement by the Industry in various social initiatives like rural development and recent foundations funded by LN Mittal and other such to assure medals at the Olympics, is a sign that the rich are willing to force some changes, for the good. But the undeniable truth is that unless our politicians pull up their socks and make swift structural and moral changes, we will become that high school cricketer who had so much promise but would never make it big. I do believe that poverty and corruption are not a Politician’s creation but facets of Human nature. You and I, we are all corrupt and immoral in our own limited sense. We all have our prejudices and hypocrisies. We all take advantage of those who are less fortunate and blow horns over other mistreatments. But, we also have other emotions like passion, commitment, patriotism, empathy and self-belief. What we need to promise is that we will wage wars daily, to evoke these emotions rather than their evil-cousins, which have plagued us for so long. In spite of all our failings as a country, I cannot help but feel optimistic, that one day we will prevail over all that is noxious. We will survive in harmony and equality in justice, freedom and economy. We will someday truly deserve to be called INDIANS…
Jai Hind!!!!!!
Anthony Palathingal